Why yoga is important in our daily life?

1. All-round fitness. You are truly healthy when you are not just physically fit but also mentally and emotionally balanced. As Sri Sri Ravi Shankar puts it, “Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving and enthusiastic you are.” This is where…


Is Apple Watch Series 2 a good option?

“Apple Watch has changed what people expect from a watch,” said CEO Tim Cook launching the new device, claiming Apple is now the second best-selling watch brand in the world after Rolex. watchOS 3 Apple Watch 2 comes with watchOS 3 out of the box, which includes, instant app launching, a new dock, faster switching between…


8 Places To Visit In North East India State

The 7 sister states along with 1 brother state or the North East Indian states are still yet to explore and un-touch  indeed a slice of paradise unexplored Kyongnosla -Sikkim The Kyongnosla Alpine Sanctuary is a wildlife sanctuary and very rich for both flora and fauna along with rare and endangered ground orchids and red panda. The most beautiful and…


Taylor Swift : List Of Her Ex Boyfriends

Taylor Swift has stated that she has written songs about all of her ex-boyfriends, and that they are the greatest inspiration for her. So this is a list of who was the inspiration for what song, what interviews she talked about it in, and any other relevant information.   The song Tim McGraw was inspired by…

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Do You Know Rotten Potato Can Kill You ? Read The Story Here

Maria Chelysheva's father went to fetch some potatoes from the basement. When he didn't return, her mom went to fetch him. When she didn't come back, the young girl's brother went to see what the matter was. He too failed to return. Shortly thereafter, Maria's grandmother, Iraida, 68, called a neighbour to say there was something…