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The Magnificent Seven : Short Review

Cast :  Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt, Ethan Hawke and Many others



Director Antoine Fuqua brings his modern vision to a classic story in The Magnificent Seven. With the town of Rose Creek under the deadly control of industrialist Bartholomew Bogue, the desperate townspeople employ protection from seven outlaws, bounty hunters, gamblers and hired guns. As they prepare the town for the violent showdown that they know is coming, these seven mercenaries find themselves fighting for more than money.

Review: One  Hell Of a ride


Finally another great western movie!

To be sure, all the western clichés are found in this movie; and I don’t have a problem with that! One of the things I liked best about this western was the pacing, sometimes I find westerns to be a little too slow (for my personal taste – subjective, I know) but I felt this movie nailed it, even with a run time a little over 2 hours.

The action scenes are great, very well done. The casting and acting was great – Denzel does a great job as the leader of this rag tag group of guys. Pratt, of course, nails the comedic relief role.

The movie carried a surprising amount of “heart” throughout it all the way to the end. 

Here is the bottom line: Yes, this movie is worth your hard earned money to go see in the theater.


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